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Recently edited case studies, articles, chapters, books and similar documents

Case studies

I have edited case studies on, among others:

#brandgood, ABN Amro Real, Afterhours, BOC, Brose, car2go, Daimler, DeDearch, DIS, Dr Motor, Emhart Glass, Emmi Group, EnterCom, Entrada, Haniel, hiLyte, IBM, Kempinski, Leaf House network, Linde, Lufthansa, Metro Group, Mexus, Moovel, Netflix, Olympus, Richemont, Sanjin, Sanremo Music Festival, Siemens Enterprise Communications, Smart City St. Gallen, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Tesla Motors, Volkswagen and Waldviertler.

Articles, chapters, books and similar documents

“Beer is more effective than social media” – political parties’ perceptions of social media in electoral campaigns in Austria and Switzerland

“For Things to Remain the Same, Everything Must Change”: How Company Wrongdoing is (Not) Imprinted In the Top Management Team Composition

“It’s not the same” – differences in the consumption of digital and physical music

“Stop crying your heart out and re-enter”: How failed founders can use emotional failure narratives to increase the attractiveness of their subsequent startup

“There’s always a next game!” Findings on renegotiations in business-to-business marketing based on a comprehensive literature review

(De)composing public value: In search of basic dimensions and common ground

(How) Does Religiousness Impact on Job Satisfaction? Results for Germany

#brandgood: How to turn consumers into social media influencers on Instagram

A brief critique of the CIMO/PIMCO rule concept

A Business Model Taxonomy for European Professional Football

A Capability-based View of Boards: A New Conceptual Framework for Board Governance

A climate for change – social and responsible investments by Swiss pension funds

A comparison of civil religion and remembrance culture in Germany and Japan

A comparison of the antecedents of offline, online, and mobile channel usage

A conceptual framework of the evaluation design for enterprise social software

A Conceptual Model for Measuring Employee Portal Success

A Contingency Perspective on External Component Reuse

A critical look at the use of SEM in international business research

A critical perspective on the measurement of internationalization benefits and costs

A Design Theory for an End-to-end Demand Management Process

A Design Theory for Visual Inquiry Tools

A Disruption Evolution Framework, a Disruptability Assessment Method, a taxonomy on cooperation for innovation among SMEs

A European-level comparison of the non-performing loan resolution strategies of major banking institutions

A Framework for Strategic Positioning in IT Management

A framework for the M&A decision-making process: Learning from serial strategic acquirers

A Framework to Advance Electronic Health Record System Use in Routine Patient Care

A Hybrid Approach for Cost-efficient Cloud Bursting in Rural Regions

A Leadership Framework for Managing New Product Development Tensions in the Digital Era

A level 3 record for Assignment 2: Archaeology of standing buildings

A Model-Based Approximation of Opportunity Cost for Dynamic Pricing in Attended Home Delivery

A nascent design theory for Augmented Persuasive Systems: Learning from burglary prevention service encounters

A neuroexperimental design on the influence of experienced gains and losses on risk-taking behavior

A new approach to architectural branding

A new industry: University rankings in the social sciences, UNESCO World Social Science Report

A New Method for Developing Radical and Frugal Innovation: The Objective-Conflict-Resolution (OCR) Approach

A New Perspective on Trust Repair

A pay-for-performance mechanism for incentive-aligned conjoint analysis

A Perceived Privacy Risk Taxonomy of Health Wearables

A Postmodern Perspective on Socio-technical Design Science Research in Information Systems

A process theoretical discussion of IT transformation: An exploratory multicase study

A Process View on Multi-Layer Business Model Innovation in Strategic Alliances

A Real Product Scandal’s Impact on Brand Equity: A New Perspective

A reference model for the M&A decision-making process: Learning from serial acquirers

A Review of Socially Responsible Investment Literature

A Review of the CEO Succession Literature and a Future Research Program

A Review of the Literature: From Lead User-Innovator to Social Entrepreneur

A review of the M&A process: Lessons from the process school since 1986

A review of the M&A process: The acquisition decision-making process – a neglected moderator of acquisition success

A sales maturity model to assess and develop sales routines

A scorecard for successfully balancing the post merger integration process: The best-practice example of Linde’s takeover of BOC

A Sociotechnical View of Algorithmic Fairness

A status quo of buying center analysis – where does it come from and where should it go?

A Systemic and Multistakeholder Approach to the Affordable Housing Crisis in Dubai

A systems perspective on paradox

A Typology of Brand-Related Content on Social Media

A Visual Inquiry Tool for Brand Identity

A visual tool for identity communication strategy

ABN Amro Real: A New Bank For A New Society

Absorptive capacity for need knowledge: Antecedents and effects for employee innovativeness

Academic spinoff as value driver of intellectual capital: The case of University of Pisa spinoffs

Acceptance study

Accountability through formalization: Specifying the loose term triggering events in asset impairment accounting

Accounting for Unobserved Heterogeneity in the Analysis of Antecedents and Consequences of Corporate Reputation: An Application of FIMIX-PLS

Accumulating Design Knowledge with Reference Models: Insights from 12 Years’ Research into Data Management

Accumulating Design Science Research Knowledge with Reference Models: Insights from Acting Pro-environmentally in Organizations: The Roles of Green Information Systems, Competing Institutional Logics, and Intrapersonal and Interpersonal factors (ProEnOrg)

Active Innovation Resistance: Investigating the Effects of Functional and Psychological Barriers

Actors in new business formation

Adaptations to the Specific Context of Executive Education

Adapting Agile Methods to Develop Solutions for the Industrial Internet of Things

Adapting to Demographic Change: Implications for Management and Innovation

Addressing Challenges in Stakeholder Management: The Concept of Stakeholder Management Capabilities

AI-based Digital Assistants: Opportunities, Challenges, and Research Perspectives

Aligning information systems to their users’ tasks and cognitive capabilities: Understanding the realization of utilitarian value from collaboration systems

Aligning professional and organizational commitment in universities: From judgmental to developmental performance management

Alliances’ governance choices: Make, buy, ally or coopt?

Almost Equal but Not Quite Yet: How Historically Stigmatized Social Groups Consume under Conditions of Stigma Plurality

Altruism – The Blind Spot of Management? On the Relevance of Altruistic Work Values for Organizational Commitment in Germany

An application of UTAUT2 on social recommender systems: Incorporating social information for performance expectancy

An approach for selecting attributes and levels for preference measurement and new product development

An Economic Report Card of the Pakatan Harapan Administration: Perspectives from Malaysian Business Leaders

An empirical analysis of managers’ uses of performance indicators in research and development

An empirical causality challenge in management control: Insights for planning under ambiguous information

An empirical exploration of the motivational structures of cross-industry experts

An Exploratory Study of Spirituality in German Enterprises

An idea’s value is in the eye of the beholder: The roles of cognitive styles and leeway in criteria use in NPD idea evaluation processes

An integrating framework for investigating the challenges and opportunities of demographic change

An Integrative Framework for the Green IT and Green IS Adoption Process in Organizations

An organization’s public value and employee life satisfaction: The mediating roles of work engagement and organizational citizenship behaviors

Analysing the relationships between smart city governance and disaster risk management in a systematic literature review

Analytical Strategies in HRM Systems Research: A Comparative Analysis and Some Recommendations

Analytics as a Service: Cloud Computing and the Transformation of Business Analytics Business Models and Ecosystems

And No One Gets the Short End of the Stick: A Blockchain-Based Approach to Solving the Two-Sided Opportunism Problem in Inter-Organizational Information Sharing

Annual European Consulting Survey: The future of European management consulting firms’ business models

Antecedents and consequences of CEO shareholder value orientation: An attentional perspective

Antecedents to and Effects of Individual Absorptive Capacity: A Micro-foundational Perspective on Open Innovation

Anti-corruption risk disclosure in the public sector: A study of Italian local governments

Anticorruption Teaching and Research Synchronization: Towards Next Steps in Implementing the AC Toolkit

Applications of Psychology to Human Challenges

Applying the sustainability science principles of the Göttingen approach to initiating renewable energy solutions in three German regions

Are Patients and Relatives the Better Innovators? An Analysis of Medical Smartphone Applications

Are the Effects of Strategic HRM on Employee Well-being Contingent or Universal? A Cross-cultural Analysis in Europe

Are we forever chasing rainbows? Measuring the impacts of telepresence and the complexity of virtual reality on hedonic decline in service experiences

Are we ready to switch to artificial intelligence? Insights into decision delegation

Are you on the right scent? The short-term and long-term effects of ambient scents on customers in a servicescape

Are You Ready for the Digital Consumer? Applications of a Digital Service Capability Model

Art really is all around

Article quality and team size in management research: The moderation role of article type

Artificial intelligence in medical diagnosis: A qualitative study of general practitioners’ attitudes toward AI use

Artificial Intelligence in Retail: Applications and Value Creation Logics

Assessing and Improving the Effective Use of Electronic Health Record Systems in Routine Patient Care

Assessing Frontline Hotel Employee Actions by Text Mining

Assessing identity and access management maturity in Germany’s financial sector

Assessing the measurement invariance of the four-dimensional cultural intelligence scale across countries: A composite model approach

Assessing the Use of SEM in International Business

Assessment of different bioenergy concepts concerning sustainable development

Asset and liability definitions in the new Conceptual Framework: Only a justification of current practice or also a guide for future standard setting?

Asset-Intensive Firms and Business Model Innovation: Lessons from the Automobile Industry

Assignment: Burial and commemoration

Audit oversight

Automated inversion for porosity in shallow reservoirs using a pseudo-transient adjoint solver for non-linear hydro-mechanical equations

Autophagy in Cardiovascular Disease – Survival through Improved Metabolic Management – A Hypothesis

Awaiting explanation in the field of enterprise architecture management

B2B E-perceptions: The Communication Effects of the Relative Width of Males’ Faces in Business Portraits

Balanced Growth

Balancing Alignment, Adaptivity, and Effectiveness: Design Principles for Sustainable IT Project Portfolio Management

Balancing Alignment, Agility, and Efficiency: Towards Sustainable IT Project Portfolio Management

Being agile during innovation project decisions: A sensemaking perspective on evaluating an innovation project’s innovativeness and risk

Benchmark tool: Individual Assessment Report for Innovation 2015 Inc.

Benefits Differences between Users and Prospects in the Pre-adoption and Post-adoption Phases in the Example of Industry 4.0

Benefits Management Reference Design (BeMaReD)

Benefits management: A literature review and research agenda

Beyond enterprise architecture frameworks: Towards an understanding of the adoption of enterprise architecture management

Beyond Fundamentals: Investor Sentiment and Exchange Rate Forecasting

Beyond Motives to Adopt: Implementation Configurations and Implementation Extensiveness of a Voluntary Sustainability Standard

Beyond the Potential of Participatory Online Communication: Switzerland as a Crucial Case

Big Data Driven Business Models: Innovation in the Investment Advisory Industry. Big Success with Big Data?

BISE Discussion: Software-defined Business: Implications for IT Managers – The Digital Company: Moving from Software-based to Software-driven Management

Blockchain Adoption in Supply Chain Management and Logistics

Blockchain and Initial Coin Offerings: Blockchain’s Implications for Crowdfunding

Blockchain Technology: Challenges and Opportunities for Banks

Brand management in architecture

Brand Modelling and Ontology

Brand-led Drivers of Innovation Success

Brands and Religion in the Multicultural Marketplace and Workplace: Insights from the Case of an Italian Hospital Renamed after a Roman Catholic Pope

Broadening the Scope of Engagement: Antecedents and Consequences of Citizen Engagement in the Context of Germany’s Energy Transition

Broker organizations to facilitate public-private partnerships

Brose: From components delivery to global systems supplier

Building trust and feeling well – Examining individual and interpersonal outcomes and underlying mechanisms of listening

Business analytics’ use and future in strategy planning

Business model innovation alliances: How to open up business models for accelerating business model innovation in incumbent firms

Business Model Innovation as a Strategic Tool for Incumbent Companies to Cope with Platform and Ecosystem Requirements

Business Model Innovation Success: A Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis

Business model innovativeness: Designing a formative measure for business model innovation

Business Model Management: Current Practices, Required Activities, and IT Support

Business Model Tools at the Boundaries: Knowledge Boundaries and Boundary Objects during Business Model Development in Large Organizations

Business models for sustainability: Choices and consequences

Buy, ally, or join – managing an alliance’s external boundaries

Buying used products for remanufacturing: Negotiation or set pricing

Call for Papers: Hamburg International Conference of Logistics

Capacity divide: The development of consultancies, annual UNESCO World Social Science Report

Captivity in War: A Global Perspective of the 19th and 20th centuries

Capturing Paradox: A Systems Perspective on Paradox

Case Description: Organizational Behavior

Case studies for customer management: Customer Management lecture Exercises, Summer Semester

Case study notes: Strategic IT Management

Cerrejón and the Guajira region: Transforming intractable company-community conflict (case study)

Chair of Information Systems and Strategic IT Management: Map and directions

Challenges to Organizations’ Adoption of Industrial Internet of Things Platforms

Change initiatives and their influences on public servants’ behaviours in organizations

Charismatic Entrainment: How Brand Leaders and Consumers Co-Create Charismatic Authority in the Marketplace

Chimneys, channels, pathway flow or water-conducting features: An explanation from numerical modelling and implications for CO2 storage

Cities in today’s global age, annual UNESCO World Social Science Report

Citizen participation’s roles in smart government initiatives: A conceptual model and two IoT case studies

Citizens’ Electric Vehicle Purchase Intentions in China: An Analysis of Micro-level and Macro-level Factors

Citizens’ perceptions of various smart government providers in the context of disclosing personal information

Cloud computing and business innovation: Uncovering facilitating technological dimensions in the software industry

Cloud computing providers’ unrealistic optimism regarding IT security risks: A threat to users?

Cloud Platform Business Models

Codes of conduct – the value added beyond compliance

Codes of conduct: CYCU College of Business: Students, faculty, staff

Cognitive biases in information systems research: A scientometric analysis

Collaborative Public-Private Partnerships: Turning the Practical Trend into New Research Opportunities

Combating fake news: Why politicians can learn from management scholars

Combating poverty through social service and the teaching of management

Commentary on Chick’s article ‘Culture, leisure, and creativity: Anthropological and comparative perspectives’

Committed Use of Project Management Methodologies: Understanding the Role of Costs, Benefits, and Psychological Needs

Commodification processes and practices of water in Kenya

Commodities and corruption: How the middle class and democratic institutions lead to less corruption in resource-rich countries

Communication and motivation: Two pillars for project success. Literature review and research model development

Communication by political interest groups in Switzerland: Addressees, channels and instruments

Commuting by Bicycle: Landscape, Architecture, Atmospheres

Comparing Spanish and British colonial ventures

Competing against electronic intermediaries: The case of digital music

Competing Effects of Emotional Valence in Framing Organizational Identity: Lessons Learned From Nonprofit Funding

Competing Effects of Emotions in Organizational Identity: Lessons from Nonprofit Funding

Competition and collective marketing: History of the European textile industry trade show

Competitiveness through front end activities: How companies can steer new products to success

Complex Dependency Structures in IT Project Portfolios: Tackling IT Project Criticality Using Bayesian Networks

Complex technological knowledge and value creation in science-to-industry technology transfer projects: The moderating effect of absorptive capacity

Concede with a strategy? An analysis of concession behavior in buyer-seller negotiations

Conceptualizing a very rich usage construct to measure the impact of corporate social website usage on individual performance

Conceptualizing a Very Rich Usage Construct to Measure the Impact of Organizational Social Web Site Usage on Individual Performance

Conceptualizing a very rich usage construct to measure the impact of corporate social website usage on individual performance

Conceptualizing the bottom of the pyramid: Research into the hope-criticisms dichotomy from an entrepreneurial perspective

Concise and efficient MATLAB 2-D Stokes solvers using the Finite Difference Method

Conditions that undermine beneficial effects of working-time autonomy: A systematic literature review

Connected Temporality and Temporal Connectivity

Connectivity Is Ubiquitous, but is it also Beneficial? A Numerical Approach to Assess Individuals’ Valuations of Digital Physical Systems

Considering 40 years jointly: A multiperspective analysis of conjoint research in marketing

Consumer Innovators’ Pricing Behaviors

Consumer Privacy in Online Purchasing Environments: A Dual-calculus Framework and Research Directions

Consumption Resource Acquisition: Ownership, Access, and Market Mediation

Contextual factors and their effect on future entrepreneurs in China: A comparative study of entrepreneurial intentions

Controversies in innovation: Service, technology and organisation in health care

Converging, or Stuck between East and West? East Germany’s Employment System in a Dynamic Comparison

Cooperation or competition: When do people contribute more? A field experiment on gamification of crowdsourcing

Coordinating for new product development performance: Considering management perspectives and organizational learning

CORE Multi-Annual Thematic Research Programme

Corporate Governance: Texts and Cases (book)

Corporate governance – beyond the scandals and buzzwords

Corporate governance dilemmas in private equity companies

Corporate governance dynamics in M&A

Corporate governance in and with subsidiaries

Corporate governance in developed vs. emerging markets

Corporate governance in family businesses

Corporate strategy and corporate responsibility at the company Haniel

Corporate Yoga – A Primer for Sustainable and Humanistic Leadership (book)

Correlates of Internal Audit Function Involvement in Sustainability Audits

Correlates of the Internal Audit Function’s Use of Data Analytics in the Big Data Era

Cost transparency vs. benefit transparency: How to improve decision-making for risky long-term investments

Creating a new distribution network through the hypermarket experience: The Dr Motor case study

Creating Shared Values meets Business and Human Rights? Hurdles and opportunities for developing country industrial clusters

Creating technological knowledge in vintage communities of practice

Creating, Reinterpreting, Combining, Cuing – Paper Practices on the Shop Floor

Creation and integration of modular knowledge: Boundary types and combinative capabilities

Critical discussion of the impact of phenomenology on archaeology

Critical success factors for the introduction of ITIL – contrasting practical perspectives with the state-of-the-art from the literature

Critically discuss the role of self-efficacy in facilitating well-functioning

CRM on-demand Deployment at Large Enterprises – A combined Software and Multi-Case Evaluation

Cross-functional Ambidexterity: A Configurational Perspective

Cross-language research

Cross-sector social partnerships for social change: The roles of non-governmental organizations

Crossing the uncanny valley: How organizations can design purposeful human-AI interactions

Crowdsourcing in Patent Examination: Overcoming Patent Examiners’ Local Search Bias

Cultural hybrid personalities? Clustering nations according to the big five personality traits

Cultural Intelligence, Global Mindset, and Cross-cultural Competencies: A Systematic Review Using Bibliometric Methods

Current state of the research

Customer experiences drive the supply chain

Decentralized vs. Centalized Opportunity Selection and the Cumulative Development of Technical System Architectures

Decision-making styles’ influence on brand extension success drivers – it matters where you come from and where you go

Decision-making Styles’ Influence on Brand Extension Success Drivers

Delivering project benefits: Identifying factors necessary for the successful realisation of information technology investment value

Demographic change and the changing nature of the concept of work

Demystifying Artificial Intelligence’s Business Potentials: Toward an Effect Path Model

Demystifying Artificial Intelligence’s Business Value: Towards an Effect Path Model Design and Empirical Evidence of Knowledge Centers

Design and Evaluation of an IT Strategy Artifact for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Design studies article: Dynagrams

Designing a Framework for Digital Know Your Customer Processes Built on Blockchain-Based Self-Sovereign Identity

Designing A Reference Framework Of IT/IS Outsourcing steering Processes

Designing business models for platform as a service: A design theory

Designing business models for Platform as a Service: Towards a design theory

Designing capstone courses in management education: Knowledge activation and integration using an ERP-based simulation game

Designing flow experience on the web: A grounded theory of online shopping flow

Designing for Client Learning in Financial Advisory Services

Designing for knowledge-based cyber-security – episode one: Problems and objectives

Designing mobile applications for organizational routines

Designing to Inform: Towards Conceptualizing Practitioner Audiences for Socio-Technical Artifacts in Design Science Research in the Information Systems Discipline

Designing Viable Business Models for Platform as a Service: A Design Theory

Designing your research project

Detailed Jury Feedback Report

Determinants and consequences of corporate development and strategy function size

Determinants and effects of human capital controlling and reporting

Determinants of Emerging Market Sourcing Success

Determinants of Influence in Established Buying Centers: The Roles of Decision History and Decision Future

Determinants of international purchasing success: An analysis of the status quo of research

Deterministic and discovery-driven: Business model management in practice

Developing a new classification framework: Integrating social networking information in personalization mechanisms

Developing a Theory of User Influence Tactics to induce Individuals to adopt Methodologies: Understanding the Influence of Psychological Determinism and a Methodology’s Attributes

Developing Brand Relationships through Interactivity

Developing Purposeful AI Usage Cases: A Structured Method and its Application

Differentiated Timeslot Pricing under Routing Considerations in Attended Home Delivery

Digital Nudging as a Way to Overcome Cognitive Resistance in Innovation Adoption Decisions

Digital Platforms: Toward an Efficient Way to Trigger Innovative Employee Behavior

Digital Technologies and their Influences on Spaces

Digital Transformation Strategies

Digitalization: Opportunities and Challenges for the Business and Information Systems Engineering Community

Digitalization’s Impacts on Productivity: A Model-based Approach and Evaluation in Germany’s Building Construction Industry

Dignity and ethics in executive education – quo vadis?

Discovery and Creation: A Hermeneutic Analysis of the Entrepreneurial Process in the film Pirates of Silicon Valley Discovery and Creation

Disentangling the Effects of Domestic Customer Collaborations on Exports: The Information and Innovation Effects

Dissertation Evaluation: Empirical Perspectives on Learning

Distributed decision-making in the shadow of hierarchy: Idea evaluation biases in internal crowdfunding

Do differences matter? A qualitative analysis of age differences between leaders and teams

Do Enterprise Social Networks Really Enhance Our Performance? Exploring the Relationships between Usage Practices and Individual Task Performance

Do I really want to know? On the interaction of error-proneness and privacy risks in the adoption of health IT

Do innovation networks need a conductor? Examining network managers’ contributions in low and high complexity settings

Do job accommodations have downsides? Employee experiences during individual change processes

Do they really enhance our performance? Exploring the relationship between ESN usage practices and individual task performance

Do We Fully Understand Employee Portal Utilitarianism’s Critical Success Factors?

Do we still trust Volkswagen? The effects of a product scandal on brand equity

Do We Worry about Negative Societal Consequences When We Shop Online?

Does Digitalization Make Work Good or Bad? The Impacts of the Use of Information and Communication Technology in the Workplace on Job Satisfaction

Does director capital influence board turnover after an incident of fraud? Evidence from Italian listed companies

Does Gender Diversity in the Top Management Team Yield Results for the Firm? The Role of Entrepreneurial Strategic Orientation

Does Gender Matter? Females on Corporate Boards and Company Financial Performance: A Meta-analysis

Does idea familiarity bias idea evaluation?

Does it pay to be green? A Study of sustainability initiatives and outcomes

Does Lead Userness Foster Idea Implementation and Diffusion? A Study of Shopfloor Users

Does rhythm matter? Towards a conceptual model of the rhythm of organizational change and performance

Does shareholder value drive profit maximization or wealth maximization: An attentional view

Doing business in the MENA: Insights from the EFMD Case Writing Competition

Doing Good by Going Digital: Conceptualizing Digital Social Innovation

Doing the right thing efficiently: A design theory for IT demand management

Drivers of network effects and their influence on platform value

Driving Open Innovation in the Front End: The IBM Case

Dubai’s property market: Main Findings

Dynamic Programming Decomposition Approaches for Revenue Management with Planned Upgrades

Dynamics of IS adaptation in multinational corporations: A new theoretical lens

E-mail to the participants of the research project ‘Innovation Capability 2015: An International Benchmark Study’

EAM 2020: The Future of the Discipline

Economic geographic and industrial marketing views on trade shows: Collective marketing and knowledge circulation

Effective Accounting Processes: The Roles of Formal and Informal Controls

Effects of Diagnostic Use and Interactive Use of Management Control Systems on Creativity-enabling Information Processes and Innovation Outputs: A Cross-societal and Multimoderator Investigation

Effects of university-industry collaborations in basic research on new product development performance of pharmaceutical firms: The role of absorptive capacity

Efficiency of New Product Development: Evidence from Prior Research

Electronic Markets – The International Journal on Networked Business

Eliminating luck from your M&A equation: Learning from serial strategic acquirers and top-tier private equity companies

Emhart Glass’ acquisition of Sanjin

Emmi Group: Implementing strategy with strategic initiatives

Emotional Responses to Bureaucratic Red Tape

Empirical Investigation of Employee Portal Success

Empirical Investigations Into The Management and Governance of Projects

Empirical Perspectives on Learning at Work

Employers’ Strategies on Spirituality at Work: Conceptual Thoughts for Germany

Empower World – ‘leading with mind, heart and soul’. On growing an executive coaching business in Qatar (case study)

Empowering Teams through Design Thinking: Consequences of Design Thinking Practices in Innovation Projects

Encouraging Pro-environmental Behaviour: Affordances and Institutional Logics in IS-enabled Organizational Sustainability Transformations

Encouraging Sustainable Pro-Environmental Behaviors in Organizations Using Information Systems (ESPEBO)

EnterCom – the future of enterprise communication. Pilot study by three departments at the University of Munich and practitioners from Siemens Enterprise Communications

Entering the World of Individual Routines: The Affordances of Mobile Applications

Enterprise Architecture Modelling, Frameworks, and Tools

Enterprise architecture principles in research and practice: Insights from an exploratory analysis

Entrada – Objective: Launch New .Com Business

Entrepreneurial behavior during industry emergence: A narrative study of discovery and creation

Entrepreneurs’ creativity and innovation: A key to performance

Environmental scanning using causality-based scenario techniques

EQUIS Report. ESSEC Business School Peer Review Visit

Ethical fund investors across countries and time: A survey-based review

EURAM Annual Conference. Track: Innovation in Networks – The View Inside: Partner Selection, Network Configuration and Network Management as Prerequisites for Network Success

European Consulting Survey 2012: The future of European management consulting firms’ business models

European Enterprise Architecture Management Study: Case Summary

Ex ante assessment of disruptive threats: Identifying relevant threats before one is disrupted

Examining business model combinations: A meta-analysis of the qualitative literature

Examining the Role of Psychological Ownership and Feedback in Customer Empowerment Strategies

Exchange Rate Passthrough to Prices in Mexico: A Study of the Main Border and Non-Border Cities

Executives’ Mental Model Updating and Technological Change: A Motivated Cognition Lens

Executives Are Human, After All: The Impacts of Behavioral Aspects on M&A Decisions

Experimental Evidence on Unique Integer Games

Explorative and Exploitative Learning: Organizational Alignment Patterns in the European Insurance Industry

Exploring Characteristics and Value Drivers of Social Businesses: A Business Model Perspective

Exploring Corporate Eco-sustainability from an Institutional Logics Perspective: The Development and Validation of a Quantitative Measurement Instrument

Exploring entrepreneur success from a work psychology perspective: The development and first validation of a new instrument

Exploring Information Disclosure in Location-based Services: U.S. vs. German Populations

Exploring motivations and characteristics of social businesses: A business model innovation perspective

Exploring processes of strategic adaptation within cognitive constraints

Exploring rejection behaviors prior to new product evaluation: Insights from an experimental research design

Exploring the 4I framework of organisational learning in product development: Value stream mapping as a facilitator

Exploring the conditions for marketing an innovative and unique customized solution: Mexus as case study

Exploring the Impact of Group Cohesion on Decision Quality in Time-Pressured Agile Teams

Exploring the path to success: A review of the strategic benchmarking literature

Exploring user perceptions and behaviours in ephemerality-based platforms

External audit and the prediction of bankruptcy

Facilitating Consumer’s Access and Evaluation of Experience Goods and the Benefits for Vendors

Facilitating Informed Decision-making in Financial Service Encounters

Factors that Enhance the Quality of the Relationships between Internal Auditors and Auditees: Evidence from Italian Companies

Factors that Influence Resilience: A Grounded Literature Review of the Empirical Resilience Research

Factors that Influence the Internal Audit Function’s Maturity

Fair play: Perceived fairness in crowdsourcing communities and its behavioral consequences

Fan satisfaction: Index construction and impact-performance implications

Far from Fifty-fifty: Legal Measures and the Relative Lack of Women in Powerful Decision-making Positions in Germany’s Broadcasting Sector

Feedback to the paper ‘Scientific project management – where are we?’

Feeling listened to and strong work relationships: Initial evidence of construct validity

Fieldwork: How to get in(to) touch: Addressing the field touch issue in geography

Fieldwork: How to get in(to) touch. Towards a haptic regime of scientificity

Financial incentives in the public sector: Do you get what you pay for?

Firms’ financial benefits and costs of internationalization today

Fitting the frame: Strategic framing and the symbolic management of risk

Flow design method: Four steps towards optimal user experience

Flow experience in information systems research: Conceptualization, conditions, and effects revisited

Forget it! Unlearning activities during post-acquisition integration

Form and function – designing successful mobile data services

Fostering Cooperation for Innovation in SMEs – Better Together?

Framework for the M&A Decision-making Process: Learning from Serial Strategic Acquirers

Frictionless What? On the Persistence of Price Dispersion in Electronic Commerce over Time

From ‘one right way’ to ‘one ruinous way’? Discursive shifts in ‘There is no alternative’

From data to insights: levering monitoring data so as to achieve continuous certification of cloud services

From Enabling to Triggering the Business: Towards a Configurational Theory for Digital Service Innovation

From facilitation to counseling affordances: On-the-job empowerment of front office employees

From Lead User to Social Entrepreneur: How Lead User Characteristics Influence Starting a Social Business

From Lead User-innovator to Social Entrepreneur: An Illustrative Case Study

From legitimacy to collective action: An experimental inquiry into the roles of active and passive evaluation modes

From on-premise software to cloud services: The impact of cloud computing on enterprise software vendors’ business models

From the Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism to Planetary Society: The End of Modernity, Individuality, and Beyond

From Wall Street to Main Street: Design Principles for Blockchain-Based Digital Assets

Frugal innovation – What is that? Three defining criteria for frugal innovation

Frugal innovation in industrialized countries

Functional strategies in decentralized corporations: Richemont’s group HR function

Functional Top Management Team Members: A Review, Synthesis, and Research Agenda

Further Links Between High-performance Work Practices and Company Performance: A Multiple-mediation Model in the German Context

Future outcomes for the European airline industry: An empirical analysis through interviews with European airlines’ senior executives. When legacy carriers converge with low cost

Gamified Crowdsourcing: Conceptualization, Literature Review and Future Agenda

General Deterrence across Borders: Swiss Banks’ Territorial Self-Categorizations and Responses to U.S. Criminal Prosecutions

Generalists or specialists – who has new ideas? The interactions between knowledge breadth and broker status in online maker communities

Generational Diversity and the Use of Enterprise Social Networking Systems

Geography after Babel – a view from the French province

German-language Scales for Spirituality at Work

Give to get: An experimental study to explore information giving in new technology-based retail

Global Leadership Fellows Programme brochure; Global Leadership Fellows Programme Charter; The Programme in a nutshell; Landscapes of promise – preface by the Dean; Introduction to the Programme: Global Leadership Fellows Programme, World Economic Forum (WEF)

Global university rankings and the word-class university as construct, annual UNESCO World Social Science Report

Global Value Chains and Labour Market Dynamics in South Africa. Research report

Goal rigidity, process autonomy and project success in new product development projects

Guerilla marketing using social media a success strategy in crowdfunding campaigns: An empirical investigation

Guidelines on Academic Reviewing

Heterogeneity of individuals’ absorptive capacity: A microfoundational study of antecedents, activities, and outcomes

HICL 2014 call for papers

Hierarchical similarity bias in idea evaluation: A study in enterprise crowdfunding

High-performance Work Practices and Job Satisfaction: Gender’s Moderating Role

High-performance Work Practices, Employee Wellbeing, and Supportive Leadership: A Moderated Mediation Model

hiLyte, autumn 2020: Transcripts of parts of an interview with David Lambelet, co-founder and CTO of hiLyte. In-class case study

How Adequate is the Transfer of Mindfulness Practices to Organizations? Interpretations in Organizations and Divergences from Clinical Psychology’s Conceptualization

How benefits from IS/IT investments are successfully realized

How broker organizations can facilitate public-private partnerships

How companies motivate entrepreneurial employees: The case of organizational spin-alongs

How corporate strategy functions create value: A social construction of valuable practices and development of a measurement scale

How Daimler is Shaping the Future of Mobility: From car2go to Moovel

How Digital Transformation Shapes Corporate IT: Ten Theses about the IT Organization of the Future

How do authenticity crises develop? An analysis of Afterhours fans’ responses to the band’s participation in the Sanremo Music Festival

How do authenticity crises develop? An analysis of Afterhours fans’ responses to the band’s participation in the Sanremo Music Festival

How do authenticity dramas develop? An analysis of Afterhours fans’ responses to the band’s participation in the Sanremo Music Festival

How do boards engage in product innovation? A hybrid multichannel governance framework

How do chief digital officers pursue digital transformation activities? The roles of organisational design parameters

How do chief digital officers pursue digital transformation activities? The roles of organisational design parameters

How Do Consumers See Family Firms? A Review of the Literature

How engagement in social causes may expand our frameworks of interorganizational relationships

How fairness generates innovation: The influence of satisfaction with HR practices on employees’ innovative work behaviour

How games induce cooperation: The relationships between game features and we-intentions in the augmented reality game Ingress

How has historical archaeology contributed to our understanding of death and burial since 1700?

How Ill Is Your IT Portfolio? Measuring Criticality in IT Portfolios Using Epidemiology

How National Employment Systems Relate to Employee Involvement: A Decomposition Analysis of Germany, the UK, and Sweden

How Smart Can Government Be? Exploring Barriers to the Adoption of Smart Government

How the Chief Digital Officer Initiates and Drives Change in Incumbent Firms: A Sensebreaking and Sensegiving Perspective

How to blend varying levels of exploitation and exploration for innovation performance

How to build social capital with leadership development: Lessons from an explorative case study of a multibusiness firm

How to effectively realize value from IT investments: A quantitative-empirical study on the impacts of benefits management practices

How to Find a Needle in a Haystack: An Empirical Comparison of an Innovation Contest and the Lead User Method for Identifying Social Innovation

How to Improve Decision-making for Long-term Savings Plans by Presenting Distributions

How to make influencer marketing successful: Emotional storytelling in sponsored posts

How to manage collaborative R&D projects: The importance of information transparency

How to measure brand equity

How to Nudge Individual Pro-environmental Behavior: An Experimental Study

How to rigorously develop process theory using case design

How to Treat Artificial Intelligence Applications: A Management Model for Healthcare

How Virtual Reality Affects Consumer Choices

HRM System Strength and HRM Target Achievement – Towards a broader understanding of HRM processes

HRM systems between control and commitment: Occurrence, characteristics, and effects on HR outcomes and company performance

Humanism in Business (book)

Humanistic management – an introduction

Humor’s Roles in the Service Recovery Context

Hybrid Business Models and the Digital Sharing Economy: Business Model Design’s Role for Managing the Environmental Paradox

Hybrid multi-channel governance: How boards engage in product innovation

I have a dream! Guidelines on how engaged scholarship can bring two fields together

Idea evaluation bias

Identifying Unacceptable Attribute Levels in Preference Measurement: A Framework to Explain Differences between Methods

Implementation Barriers of the Lean Startup Methodology

Improving Digital Collaboration

Improving simulation model analysis and communication via design of experiment principles: An example from the simulation-based design of cost accounting systems

In it to Win it: Experimental Evidence on Unique-bid Auctions

In The End, They’re All The Same… Or Are They? How Different Recommender Technologies Shape Aggregated Sales Diversity

In-store Mobile Marketing – The Upsides and Downsides of Personalization

Including social information in content recommender systems: An application of UTAUT2 to explore user acceptance

Incongruence between work and gender roles: The effects of gender stereotypes on job satisfaction

Incumbents’ Business Model Innovation for Sustainable Technologies: Dialectical Coupling and Business Model Schema Change

Indicators, Data Sources and Co-ordination: An investigation into the development of standard classifications to serve as minimum norms and standards in the areas of indicators, data sources and a data co-ordination framework for effective results-based monitoring and evaluation at sub-national level

Individuals’ Knowledge and their Explorative and Exploitative Behaviors

Inequality and political conflict

Influence of Community Design on User Behavior in Online Communities

Information asymmetry in buyer-seller negotiations: Impact on Effectiveness, Efficiency and Satisfaction

Information demand and supply for changing board roles

Initiative for a United Nations International Year of Global Understanding

Innovation and Product Development for Aging Users

Innovation Capability 2015: An International Benchmark Study

Innovation in a globalized world: Proximity-focused policy and border-crossing innovation projects

Innovation in family firms: Contrasting arguments from agency theory and the resource-based view

Innovation Spillover: The Reciprocal Impact of Innovations on Parent Brand Strength and Core Brand Beliefs

Innovative entrepreneurial teams: The give and take of trust and conflict

Innovative work behaviour: The impact of positive HR system perceptions and the role of work-life conflict

Institutional Aspects of the Social Sciences in Latin America, annual UNESCO World Social Science Report

Institutional erosion of Swiss banking secrecy: An unintended consequence of resistance in institutional conflicts

Integrated energy crop cultivation as a way to a more nature orientated agriculture

Integrated global change research in West Africa: Flood vulnerability studies

Integrated innovation improvement tracking systems: A review of the innovation performance literature and future potentials

Integrated Innovation Improvement Tracking Systems: Towards an Integrative Framework

Integrating the ‘Troublemakers’: A Taxonomy for Cooperation between Banks and Fintechs

Intellectual Structure and Emancipation of Word of Mouth Research: A Bibliometric Analysis of a Multidisciplinary Research Field

Intelligent mobile checklists – designing mobile business applications to create, retain, and transfer organizational learning

Inter-technology Relationship Networks: Arranging Technologies through Text Mining

Interactivity in social media

Interdependencies of Activity Systems and Strategic Renewal

Internal crowdfunding

International corporate governance – similarities across systems

International differences in the importance of antecedents to job satisfaction and the role of socio-economic characteristics

International Research Training Group Application: Innovation and Change in Aging Societies

International Research Training Group Internationaler Graduiertenkolleg. Application for the German Science Foundation by the TUHH and TITECH

Internationalization and Information Costs

Internationalization and Performance: The Costs of Administering an International Firm

Internationalization of the Hamburg University of Technology (Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg). TUHH – a valuable local partner in global higher education outreach

Intertemporal Tensions: Reconciling Now and Next

Interventions to Improve the Selection Process in Crowdsourced Innovation Contests: What Can Be Done, and at What Costs?

Intra-organizational trust as an organizing principle: The case of a works council implementation

Introducing an integrated political Economy of Virtual Water Trade

Introducing Innovator Resilience: Positive Adaptation After Innovation Project Failure

Introducing IT Project and Project Portfolio Management in Organizations

Introduction by the editors of this special edition. Rethinking the Centre’s Roles in Multidivisional Firms: A Retrospective (Long Range Planning)

Introduction: Digitalization in the Financial Services Industry: Fostering Innovation Through Fintechs and Blockchain Technology

Introductory Paper on Routines in Patient Care: Essays on the Designs and Uses of Information Technology Artifacts

Intuition and rationality during NPD decisions: The interplay of affect and uncertainty

Investigating the Co-Creation of IT Consulting Service Value: Empirical Findings of a Matched Pair Analysis

Investigation of sMTA users’ preferences and behaviour when making decisions to use the alternative payment options of Articles 6.7 and 6.11 of the sMTA

IS adaptation in multinational companies: Global IS architecture design patterns and designs

Is being copied flattering? Exploring counterfeiting’s positive effects on luxury fashion brands

Is employee involvement always sustainable? Counteracting effects of different dimensions of employee involvement on working conditions and wellbeing

Is my boss really listening to me? The impact of perceived supervisor listening on emotional exhaustion, turnover intention, and organizational citizenship behavior

Is necessity the mother of disruption?

Is the echo chamber in fact a myth? A relational approach to online informal political talk

Is the future of scholarly communication a social one?

Is the whole more than the sum of its parts? An inquiry into the interplay of marketing and design research. Inaugural lecture

Is there a better negotiation style? An analysis of negotiation styles and their impacts on buyer-seller negotiations

Is There a New Meaning to Work? The How and Why of a Change in Altruistic Work Values in Germany between 1989 and 2016

ISO 9001 Implementation Map

Issues involved in the development of “green marketing” in the hotel industry: The main results of an exploratory survey in the Marche region

IT project management in a hostile environment – a case on the multiple challenges of a German financial service provider

IT security concerning cloud computing research questionnaire

IT security concerns in cloud computing: The role of perceptual distance between users and providers

IT Service Management Assimilation Trajectories: The Capability Paradox in a New Guise

It’s not fair! A multilevel conceptualization of strategic IT benchmarking success: The role of procedural justice

It’s not just about Competition with ‘Free’ – How Format Affects Consumer Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Content

It’s not just about the product: How persuasive communication affects the disclosure of personal health information

Job quality between institutional differences and convergence: Cross-national differences and dynamics of mismatches between workplace situations and work values

Job satisfaction in aging workforces: An analysis of the U.S., Japan, and Germany

Journalists’ professional identity: A resource to cope with change in the industry?

Just-in-time consumer education in financial advisory services

Keeping Employees Committed after They Leave: An Expanded Perspective on Employee Turnover Management

Knowledge base: AAL stakeholders and their requirements

Knowledge Released but Not Lost: Motives and Environments that Drive Firms’ Knowledge Disclosures

Knowledge Transfer Activities of Scientists in Nanotechnology

KPIs in eHealth lead generation

Leadership in temporary organizations: A literature review and research agenda

Learning to Contract and Interfirm Control: U-shaped Organizational Learning when Searching for Green Partners

Learning to contract and interfirm control: U-shaped organizational learning when searching for green partners

Legitimacy of the Corporate Strategy Function: A Performativity Perspective and the Development of a Measurement Scale

Leveraging Market Research Techniques in IS: A Review of Conjoint Analysis in IS Research

Leveraging social networks: A social capital perspective on exploitation and exploration

Linking Institutions and Firm-level Outcomes: The Role of Diverse Innovative Capability Profiles in Germany’s Economy

M2Di: Concise and efficient MATLAB 2-D Stokes solvers using the finite-difference method

Machine-to-machine functionalities’ effects on the buyer-seller relationship: An assemblage theory perspective

Making Cities Smarter: An Analysis of Institutional Work resulting from Interviews with Smart City Manager in 40 Smart Cities

Making IT demand management tangible: Developing an exploratory measurement model

Making Sense of a Very Popular Metaphor in Management: Towards a HedgeFox Scale for Cognitive Styles

Management control of corporate venture capital: Fostering knowledge spillovers from startups to corporate investors through the design and use of management controls

Management of cloud computing in small and medium-sized companies

Managing autonomy in university-industry research: A case of collaborative PhD projects in the Netherlands

Managing boundaries in tripartite cross-sector partnerships

Managing Conflicting Demands: Challenges and Opportunities in Cross-sector Collaborations

Managing eco-effectiveness in Germany’s manufacturing industry: Empirical evidence of the impacts of energy management control systems on energy efficiency

Managing Financial Performance

Managing Institutional Plurality in Hybrid Organizations through Practices: The Case of a Cooperative Bank

Managing Knowledge-sharing in Consultant-Client Interactions through Presentation Slides and Sketches: An Empirical Investigation

Managing strategic initiatives better than one at a time

Managing the acquisition program: Towards dynamic M&A program capabilities

Managing the aging workforce: An empirical exploration towards a new theory with specific focus on the automobile industry

Mapping out the research-policy matrix: UNESCO’s international forum on the nexus of social science and policy – highlights, annual UNESCO World Social Science Report

Mastering Digital Transformation: A Financial Services Provider’s Path Towards a Digital Transformation Strategy

Mastering Mystery Shopping Data: New Insights into Criterion Validity

Measuring Customer Satisfaction in Industrial Markets – New Insights into Aggregating Individual Satisfaction Judgments

Measuring HRM Systems: A Discussion and Comparative Analysis of Commonly Used Approaches

Measuring HRM systems: An extended illustration and discussion of different approaches

Measuring online deliberation in local politics: An empirical analysis of the 2011 Zurich City Debate

Measuring the effect of presenting distributions on decision-making: The development and empirical application of a new approach

Measuring The Impact of Enterprise Social Software Use on Work Performance: A Multilevel Model

Media in war and armed conflict: The dynamics of conflict news production and dissemination

Media Meets Retail – Re-evaluating Content Quality in the Context of B2C E-commerce

Mentoring in context: A multilevel study on differential and shared mentoring perceptions

Meta-analysis of Factors Influencing Global Software Development Project Success – A Research Design

Metro Group. European Enterprise Architecture Management Study. Case write-up

Micro-coordination in Advice-giving: How IT Artifacts Change the Game

Microfoundations of Political Strategy: Incumbents’ Loss Aversion as well as its Driver and Mitigation in Environmental Policy Transitions

Microfoundations of Political Strategy: Policy Framing and Political Strategy Choices in Environmental Policy Transitions

Microfoundations of Political Strategy: The Role of Frame Bracketing for Incumbents’ Choices of Political Strategies in Environmental Policy Transitions

Migrating from free to premium: The push-pull mooring framework in a freemium context

Migration from free and premium: The push-pull mooring framework in a business model context

Mind the Gap! An Appraisal and Assessment of Research on Managerial Perception Gaps

Mindfulness in Organizations: Contrasting Interpretations in the Workplace to Clinical Psychology

Mindfulness-based HRD practices for employability: A contextual perspective on employee acceptance

Mirror, mirror on the wall: Which content type has the most engagement of all?

Mobile Business Application for Service and Maintenance Processes: Using Ex Post Evaluation by End-users as Input for Iterative Design

Mobile Communication, Autonomy and Workload Compression

Mobile marketing communication and purchase intention: Determinants and mediating effects from a consumer perspective

Modeling Project Criticality in IT Project Portfolios

Modeling upgrades in airline revenue management

Modelling thermomechanical ice deformation using a GPU-based implicit pseudo-transient method

Money, Fun, and Success: The Influences of Hedonic and Utilitarian Motivations on Success in Crowdwork

More is not always better: A configurational perspective on HRM systems and their effects on employee well-being

More with less: Sensemaking of controversies in youth care reforms

Mortality Special Issue: The materiality and spatiality of death, burial and commemoration

Motivational Information System Affordances and Institutional Logics in Organizational Sustainability Transformations – A Research Agenda

Multi-personality in customer satisfaction measurement

Music as a service: An alternative to music piracy? An empirical investigation of the intention to use music streaming services

National Business Ideology and Employees’ Prosocial Values

Navigating through typical conflict patterns

Necessary conditions in HRM: Fundamental issues, methodology, and an illustrative case of how to analyze them

Negotiating with Authenticated Data: Relocating Deception, Dishonesty, and Trust in P2P Online Used Car Negotiations

Netflix: A Master at Business Model Adaptation

Network development and the embedding of complex technical solutions: The case of the Leaf House network

Newcomers’ reactions to unfulfilled leadership expectations: An attribution theory approach

No pain, though gain! Virtual reality’s effects on customer motivations to use fitness services

Non-performing loans in the European Union; Non-performing loans; The regulatory approach and the supervisory approach in the European union; The management and resolution of non-performing loans

Not Just Peas in a Pod: A Structured Literature Review of Digital Platform Orchestration Aspects

Nudging the Use of Physiolytics in the Workplace: A Q-methodology Study

OBA, IOCM and their impacts on supplier relationship satisfaction

On Making a Difference: Towards an Integrative Framework for Green IT and Green IS Adoption

On the interaction of error-proneness and privacy risks in the adoption of health IT

On the search for digital business models: An empirical investigation of personalized news aggregators

On the willingness to pay for privacy as a freemium model: Evidence from a preliminary study

One piece of information leads to another: Consumers’ privacy concerns, trust and willingness to share information

Open Innovation and Individual Absorptive Capacity: How Knowledge Diversity, Network Diversity, and Cognition Determine Innovation Performance

Open-book accounting: Key prerequisite for inter-organizational cost management or reason for the failure of inter-firm cooperation?

Opening the Black Box: How Institutional Logics Change in Organizational Sustainability Transformations

Opening the black box: The process of board involvement in product innovation

Opening the black box: Unpacking board involvement in innovation

Opportunities and Risks after Market Deregulation: The Case of Germany’s Long-Distance Travel Market

Opportunity evaluation using the concept of business model evaluation. Insights from an experimental design

Optimising bioenergy villages’ local heat supply network

Organisational cooperation: Exploring the intertwined roles of sensemaking and sensegiving in interorganisational development processes

Organization-worker relationships in traditional vs. crowd-based work settings

Organizational Impacts of Sustainability: Linking Strategy to Business Model Innovation

Organizational resilience and competing demands: The seeming contradiction between planning and improvising

Organizational work engagement as a key to organizational performance

Organizations change as logics shift: The case of corporate pro-environmentalism

Organizing for stabilizing multiplicity: Water infrastructure and flow-making in Nairobi

Others’ Pain Doesn’t Matter? Integrating Interdependent Privacy in the Privacy Calculus

Outsourcing in the German model: The roles of institutional embeddedness and company-level diversity for subcontracting and temporary agency work

Overcoming the challenges of IT standardization: Towards understanding the acceptance of corporate IT standards

Overlooking a paradigm shift? Decision-makers’ underestimations of user innovations

Paired Comparisons or Sorting? Comparing Web-based Methods for Collecting Similarity Data for Large Stimulus Sets for Destination Image Positioning

Palatinate landscapes of war, conflict and occupation: A critical study of emerging and changing identities and ideologies during the 19th and 20th centuries

Paper practices in institutional talk: How financial advisors impress their clients

Paradigms and Methods in CSR Communication Research: A Systematic Literature Review

Part Information asymmetry in buyer-seller negotiations and its impact on effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction

Participation as a pastime: Political discussion in an online queer community

Partnerships as a vehicle for environmental change: Configuring the partner composition and change medium

Patterns of crisis-driven digital innovation

Paying for news: Opportunities for a new business model through personalized news aggregators (PNAs)

Pension funds in Switzerland: Investment style and emphasis on compliance with best practise rules in respect of investees

People and Processes Matter more than Technologies: On Achieving Green IT Capability Maturity

People, Adoption, and EAM Introduction

Performance in New Product Development: A Comprehensive Framework, Current Trends, and Research Directions

Performance measurement patterns in service companies: An empirical study of Estonian service companies

Performance metrics and data samples

Performance reporting in the new conceptual framework

Permits, points and permanent household registration: Hukou reforms and urban citizenship in China’s large cities

Personal Health Information Disclosure: An Analysis of the Differential Effects of Affects, Trust, and Distrust

Personalization and trust of m-commerce applications in health care insurance – an empirical study

Personalization and Trust of M-Commerce Applications in Health Care Insurance – an Empirical Study

Perspectives on information systems change

Phoenix rising: The rebirth of Kempinski as a luxury hospitality group

Platform adoption in system markets: The roles of preference heterogeneity and consumer expectations

Playground and Battlefield Mechanisms as Sources of Dynamic Capabilities: The Power of Tensions in Innovative Organizational Design

Policy brief: Informing conflict prevention, Response and Resolution: The Roles of Media and Violent Conflict (INFOCORE). Effective and Coherent Media-related Communication During Wars and Armed Conflicts

Political behavior revisited: An individual’s sensegiving and sensebreaking practices to influence formalized decision-making processes and their outcomes

Portfolio analysis and the BCG matrix

Portfolio analysis and the BCG matrix for demo lecture at HIM Heidelberg

Positive Organizational Scholarship: Embodying a Humanistic Perspective of Business

Post-merger integration: Evolution, contributions, synthesis, and future research agenda

Posters versus Lurkers: Analyzing the Motivational Factors for Participation in Enterprise Social Networks

Power distance and its moderating role in the relationship between situational job characteristics and job satisfaction – and empirical analysis using different cultural measures

Power in startups’ relationships with their established partners: Interactions between structural and behavioural power

Pre-test and customer survey: Volkswagen

Predictive analytics: New-generation strategic decision support

Predictive Validity in Choice-based Conjoint Analysis: Adaptive Designs or Incentive Alignment?

Preparing for the future of IT project value realisation: Understanding benefits management practices – do incentives and management support really help?

Presenting Distributions: How to Mitigate the Misperceptions of Cost Components in Long-term Savings Plans

Principles in the Design of Mobile Medical Apps: Guidance for Those who Care

Private equity firms and management control: The framing of shareholder-oriented practices

Problems of Customization and IT in the Fashion Industry: A Case Study of the Premier Italian Shoemaker DIS

Process orientation in the management accounting function

Professional service firms and their strategic renewal: Evidence from Germany’s legal advisory industry

Promoting Pro-environmental Behaviors via Gamification: An Experimental Study of the Alignment of Conflicting Goal Frames

Protection Motivation, Error-proneness, and Privacy Concerns in the Adoption of DIY Health IT

Protest Rhetoric’s Appeal: How Moral Entrepreneurs Recruit the Media into Moral Struggles: The case of the Austrian shoe-making brand Waldviertler

Psychology at the Vortex of Convergence and Divergence: The Sample Case of Social Change

Public Brand Auditing: A Pathway towards Brand Accountability

Public organisations’ current communication with citizens and awareness of citizens’ attitudes

Public Participation in Patent Application Examination: The Case of Peer To Patent

Public value – turning a conceptual framework into a scorecard

Public Value Accounting – Objective versus Subjective Public Value Creation and its Relation to Customer Satisfaction

Public Value Performance: What does it mean to create value in the public sector?

Public Value: Value Creation in the Eyes of Society

Put it in its Place – Integrating Behavioral Inertia into Established IS Post-adoption Models

Putting the ‘Anthropos’ in the Anthropocene: Integrating social sciences and the humanities in global environmental change research

QDVC. East Meets West, Leadership to the Test. Case study

Quantification of viscous creep influence on storage capacity of caprock

Quantifying project efficiency in new product development: Benefits and pitfalls

Questionnaire: Trends and Strategies in Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Logistics

Quo vadis, paradox? Centripetal and centrifugal forces in theory development

Ranking of universities: A false agenda for the global south

Ready, steady, green: Examining the effectiveness of external policies to enhance the adoption of eco-friendly innovations

Real-time IoT-based Production Planning and Control of Industrial Robots in an Automated Cyber-physical Production System under Dynamic Conditions: Lessons Learned from a Make-to-order Usage Case

Realizing ambidextrous corporate venturing: Spin-along cases in practice

Recognizing Opportunities across Campus: The Effects of Cognitive Training and Entrepreneurial Passion on the Business Opportunity Prototype

Reconciling Alignment, Agility, and Efficiency in IT Project Portfolio Management: Recommendations Based on a Revelatory Case Study

Reconciling design and science – theories and design artifacts as two sides of a coin

Reconnecting management theory and social welfare: A humanist perspective

Reconstructing the globalisation of tourism: A geo-historical perspective

Reducing front-end uncertainties: How organisational characteristics influence the intensity of front-end analysis

Reducing psychological distance: Virtual reality’s influences on consumers’ construal level for services

Reference Model for Data Management in the Digital and Data-driven Economy

Reinventing a business model: Implications for customers’ brand perceptions

Relational capital disclosure, corporate reporting and company performance: Evidence from Europe

Religious diversity – a topical subject for German firms’ HR and diversity managers?

Report and Factsheet: Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Bargaining Council Exemption System

RepRap(ping) a Business Model? Business Model Taxonomies for Manufacturers in the Emerging 3-D Printer Industry

Research and teaching statement

Researching affective atmospheres

Resolving hydro-mechanical coupling in two and three dimensions: spontaneous channelling of porous fluids due to decompaction weakening

Resolving thermo-mechanical coupling in two and three dimensions: Spontaneous strain localisation owing to strain heating

Resolving the paradox of lean thinking and ambidexterity: Moderating factors that reinforce or inhibit innovation in lean SMEs

Resolving thermo-mechanical coupling in two and three dimensions: Spontaneous strain localisation owing to strain heating

Resource Dependence and Digital Capabilities: Exploring the Roles of Control Mechanisms and Coordinating Artifacts in Innovation Ecosystems

Resource Efficiency in Corporate Networks: Approaches for the Future Use of Renewable Materials and their By-products

Resource Integration Management In Network Value Creation: The Case Of Premium Hotels

Responsibilities in alternative forms of governance

Responsible Leadership in Management Education: A Design-based Research Study

Retail Companies’ Behavior Before and After the 2008 Crisis: Challenging the Theoretical Underpinnings

Rethinking the performance of corporate strategy functions: A performativity perspective and the development of a measurement scale

Review of the International Social Science Council’s (ISSC) Scientific Programs

Review of the paper ‘Flexible process-aware information systems for deficiency management in construction’

Review: Trust in Context-aware Technologies: A Sub-Saharan Africa Perspective

Reviewing internships: A quantitative and qualitative analysis for Germany

Revisiting Blockchain Use Cases in Organizations – The Challenge of Privacy

Revisiting public space: Evidence from Cape Town

Revisiting the Dutch Disease Thesis from the Perspective of Value-added Trade

Robotic Process Automation

Routinizing as Key Capability for Building Resilient Startups

RPL request for module 2 in line with the Research Postgrad Degrees Handbook, University of Dundee

Scale-relevant impacts of biogas crop production: A methodology to assess environmental impacts and farm management capacities

Scrutinizing public-private partnerships for development: Evaluating their full impact

SDA Bocconi and IBM channel and retail management contract renewal

Seasoned Equity Offerings and Strategic Company News Disclosure

Secularization, morality policies, and party conflicts in Europe

Self-assessment Report of the Program Management of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (MIEn): A Network Perspective. 2008 to 2014

Self-eroticisation and Womanism in Funk Carioca

Self-presentation and Self-representation by Black Brazilian Women in the Funk Carioca Movement

Selling more by letting customers practice trade-offs? A closer look at the choice task and its impact on the acceptance of customized products

Sensing the entrepreneurial city

Serendipitously Found: The Added Value of Serendipity in Discovering New Recommendation Spaces

Service Encounter 1.0 Theories Revisited: An Evaluation of their Explanatory Relevance in Service Encounter 2.0 Environments

Service Encounter ThinkLets (SETs): How to Empower Service Agents to Put Value Co-Creation into Practice

Service Orientation in Business Networks – understanding the Implications of Service-orientated Architectures in the Inter-organizational Domain

Service robots in hospitals: New perspectives on niche evolution and technology affordances

Service strategies of product-oriented firms – Identifying service innovation trajectories and barriers in the energy market

Service transitions in product-centric firms: An explorative study of service transition stages and barriers in Germany’s energy market

Service-oriented business networking: A review of service-oriented architecture implementations in practice, annual UNESCO World Social Science Report

Setting up University-Industry Collaboration (UIC) for Practical and Scientific Impact

Shaping humanism at the Tecnológico de Monterrey: The citizen of the future

Shaping Wellsprings of Innovation: Towards Organizational Design Configurations for Digital Innovation Management

Sharing and Engaging: Barriers to the Adoption of Access-Based Services – a Comparative Study of the U.S., Germany, and China

Shedding Light on the Dark Side of Customer Participation: Antecedents and Consequences of Customer Participation Stress

Short survey on digital innovation

Should We Take a Closer Look? Extending Switching Theories from Singular Products to Complex Ecosystem Structures

Situational Job Characteristics and Job Satisfaction: The Moderating Role of National Culture

Skills Schooling: Bodily Learning in Service Interactions

Smart government and its need for personal information

Social acceptance of bioenergy use and communal bioenergy project success factors

Social bots in Germany’s 2017 national election campaign: Theoretical, empirical and methodological implications

Social entrepreneurs are the solution (by Professor Muhammad Yunus)

Social entrepreneurship based on personal unmet needs: Lead user characteristics’ influences on nascent social entrepreneurs

Social media in organizations

Social science in the public space, annual UNESCO World Social Science Report

Social Software Adoption

Software-as-a-Service as Disruptive Innovation in the Enterprise Application Market: An Empirical Analysis of Revenue Growth and Profitability among SaaS Providers

Solving Wicked Management Problems: A Design Theory for Developing Visual Inquiry Tools

Some insights into corporate turnarounds

South Africa’s HIV/AIDS Policy: Understanding Policy Development with the Advocacy Coalition Framework

South African Department of Education. Guidelines on inclusive teaching and learning

Speed’s Complex Role in the Internationalization Journeys of Swiss SMEs

Spontaneous formation of fluid escape pipes from subsurface reservoirs

Stabilizing Multiplicity: Making Nairobi’s Water Infrastructure Flow

Stakeholder Relations and Joint Value Creation: Inter-temporal Tensions, Shifting Orientations, and Sustainability

Standing on Firm Ground: The Role of Empirical Evidence and Theory in Project Management Research

Startup branding in the digital age

Stochastic Cellular Automation Modelling of Digital Platform Ecosystem Dynamics: Uncovering IT Innovations’ Diffusion Patterns

Strategic bits and the state of vendor management

Strategic communication’s contributions and roles in the media’s dynamic construction and contestation of conflict discourse

Strategic corporate transformation programs at Lufthansa

Strategic HRM and employee wellbeing: An analysis of the effects of single HR practices and HR systems on health, happiness, and relational wellbeing

Strategic impact: How corporate strategists create value

Strategic initiative portfolios: Theory and empirical evidence

Strategic planning in diverging markets: Evidence from international consumer cosmetic sales

Strategic Planning of Information Systems

Strategic Project Portfolio Management: Understanding the Link between Information and Structure

Strategic reactions to corporate social irresponsibility

Strategically Constructed Narratives on Artificial Intelligence: What Stories Are Told in Governmental AI Policies?

Strategies for Rural Broadband: An economic and legal feasibility analysis

Strategy execution with corporate programs: Analysis of a major structural choice

Study – online experiment

Successful Project Portfolio Management Beyond Project Selection Techniques: Understanding the Role of Structural Alignment

Supporting Lifelong Learning in Organizations: A Temporal View of Skill Development in Intergenerational Training Groups

Survey on scientific publishing

Sustainable Bioenergy Production: An Integrated Approach (book)

Sustainability’s Benefits on Many Levels – Insights from a Study on Organizations’ Uses of Green Technologies

Sweet Idleness, but Why? How Cognitive Factors and Personality Traits Affect Privacy-protecting Behavior

Systematic decision support in strategy implementation

Systemic Principles of Value Co-Creation: Synergetics of Value and Service Ecosystems

Talent management and career development: What it takes to get promoted

Tarzan and Chain: Exploring the ICO Jungle and Evaluating ICO Design Archetypes

Teachers as masters of complexity

Teaching case: Opportunities and Risks after Market Deregulation: The Case of Germany’s Long-Distance Travel Market

Team composition and shared leadership behaviors in dispersed teams – implications for human resource management

Teams in Agile Software Development: Design Principles and an Examination of the Human Factors

Technological Frames in Public Administration: What Do Public Managers Think of Big Data?

Temporal tensions: How to reconcile organizational time horizons

Tesla Motors: Business Model Reconfiguration. Case study update

The ‘mechanics’ of enterprise architecture principles: What they do and how they work

The Adoption of Artificial Intelligence: How Organizational Characteristics Influence Decisions to Adopt a Disruptive Technology

The Adoption of Web 2.0 in Corporations: A Process Perspective

The advertising effect of free: Do free basic versions promote premium versions within the freemium music services business model?

The Anatomy of Context-aware Mobile Patient Monitoring

The blurring effects of performance management in universities: Interventions for strengthen scholars’ commitment

The Capacity of Mobile Checklists to Support Organizational Routines

The case of Swiss secrecy: Cognitive motivation and strategic flexibility development

The changes in modern activist communication: Theoretical insights into new challenges in public relations

The Cloud Computing-based Business Model: A Conceptual Framework to Configure Technologies’ Properties and Organizational Capabilities in Firm-level Digital Innovation

The Co-creation of Marketing Values via Word of Mouth Communication

The Co-production of Value with Self-service Technologies (SSTs) in B2C Environments: Identifying Factors that Can Interrupt Resource Integration

The Complex Problem of Connectivity: How Private Users Configure Smart Home Networks

The contribution of memory research to the ethics of memory

The contribution of memory research to the ethics of memory

The corporate strategy department as an integrative device: Integration effectiveness from a unit manager perspective

The Country Where My Heart Is – Historical Archaeologies of Nationalism and National Identity

The design and uses of IT artifacts for individual routines

The digital transformation of the business model: A qualitative empirical analysis

The Digitalization of News Production: Experimental Evidence on Intention to Use and Willingness to Pay for Personalized News Aggregators

The dynamics of IS adaptation in multinational corporations: A new theoretical lens

The Dynamics of Openness and the Role of User Communities: The Open Source Gaming Handheld Ecosystem: A Case Study

The e-mental health paradox: Evidence from an app that screens for depression

The Economic Impact of Young Growth Companies in Switzerland

The effect of the distance between partners’ knowledge components on collaborative innovation

The effectiveness of R&D project selection in uncertain environment: An empirical study in the German automotive supplier industry

The effects of agency problems in the project organization on IS project alignment

The effects of open government data: Some stylised facts

The effects of search-related and purchase-related mobile app additions on retailers’ shareholder wealth: The roles of firm size, product category, and customer segment

The effects of user influence tactics on methodology adoption

The Effects of Voluntary and Mandatory IFRS Reporting on the Capital Market: Recent Evidence

The Evolution of Design Principles Enabling Knowledge Reuse for Projects: An Action Design Research Project

The Evolution of Information Systems Architecture: An Agent-based Simulation Model

The Front End of Innovation Research: A systematic review and potential further research paths

The globalization of research collaboration in the social sciences and the persistence of core-periphery structures, annual UNESCO World Social Science Report

The guided evolution of information systems architecture: Balancing top-down control and bottom-up emergence

The guided evolution of information systems architecture: The institutional logic of emergence and control

The heterogeneity of individuals’ absorptive capacity: A micro-foundational study of antecedents, activities, and outcomes

The impact of ambient scents in the workplace: A qualitative investigation

The Impact of Cloud Computing on Software Vendors’ Business Models

The Impact of Enterprise Architecture Management on Information System Capabilities: A Multiple-Case Analysis

The Impact of Enterprise System Implementations on Enterprise Risk

The impact of network formation on standard dominance: Expectations management through selective partnering

The impact of retailer guarantees on customer intentions – do guarantees matter?

The Impacts of Ambient Scents in the Workplace: A Qualitative Investigation

The impacts of digital technologies on innovating for sustainability

The Impacts of Increasing National and International Competition on BISE Master’s and PhD Programs

The Impacts of Influence Strategies on Organizational Subgroup Members’ Evaluations of Management Accounting Change

The Impacts of Language Style Accommodation during Social Media Interactions on Brand Trust

The impacts of persuasive messages on the disclosure of personal health information

The impacts of virtual reality on business models: The case of the media industry

The Indirect MBA Effect on R&D Expenditures in Diversified and Distressed Firms

The influence of community design on user behavior in online communities

The influence of learning management system components on learners’ motivation in a large-scale social learning environment

The influence of ownership types on long-lived asset write-offs

The influence of resistance to change on evaluating an innovation project’s innovativeness and risk: A sensemaking perspective

The influence of usefulness of an IT project management methodology on its acceptance and application by individuals – Moderating effects of needs, gender, and age: A needs expectancy approach

The influences of managerial capabilities and technological frames on the integration of digital technologies

The Influences of Social Cues on Users’ Information Disclosure Intentions – The Case of Mobile Apps

The influences of technology foresight activities on managerial technological frames

The Influences of Utilitarian and Hedonic Motivations on Success in Crowd Work

The Integration of Business and Private Components in Individual Information Systems: A Theoretical and Empirical Approach

The intellectual structure of value co-creation literature: A bibliometric approach

The interaction concept to encourage citizens to share their personal information

The Interaction of Intuition and Rationality during Escalated NPD Decisions: An Investigation of Decision-makers’ Affective States

The interplay between free and premium versions of freemium services: The theory of planned behavior in a consumer switching context

The Interplay between IT Strategy and IT Evaluation

The key role of interpersonal trust in the patient-pharmacy relationship: An empirical study

The Key Role of Interpersonal Trust in the Patient-Pharmacy Relationship: An Empirical Study

The limits of bibliometrics for the analysis of the social sciences and humanities literature, annual UNESCO World Social Science Report

The Links Between High-Performance Work Systems and Company Performance: A Multiple Mediation Model

The management of social partnerships and its implications for social-symbolic work studies

The material culture of burial and its micro-geography: A cemetery in Luxembourg as a methodological example for an object-centred approach for quantitative material culture studies

The Materiality and Spatiality of Death, Burial and Commemoration

The MBA CEO Effect on R&D Intensity in Diversified and Distressed Firms

The measurement of proximity and its influence on learning and innovation: Three propositions for a renewed research emphasis

The Mechanics of Enterprise Architecture Principles

The mediating role of leader-member exchange: A study of job satisfaction and turnover intentions in temporary work

The missing link? Fairness as the ultimate determinant of service profitability

The New Face of Bartering in Collaborative Networks: The Case of Italy’s Most Popular Bartering Website

The new meaning of influencer marketing on social media

The oil price, state ownership and earnings management: Evidence from Europe’s oil industry

The Olympus scandal

The origin and development of a new venture distribution network: The Dr Motor Company case study

The Patterns of Socioemotional Wealth, Entrepreneurial Heuristics, and Entrepreneurial Decisions in Family Firms

The PMI Scorecard: A Tool for Successfully Balancing the Post-merger Integration Process

The politics of dilemma: Regulating morality policies in religious European societies

The positive effects of human capital reporting

The power of the project progress report: Insights from a case study in an international business transformation project

The quantification of viscous creep’s influence on caprock’s storage capacity

The relational complexity of boundary-spanning alliances: Intertemporal effects on environmental innovation

The relationship between CAE leadership and the IAF’s involvement in corporate governance

The relationship between variety and new product development in multipartner alliances: Power asymmetry’s moderating effect

The Relationships between CEO Characteristics and Risk-taking in Family Firms

The relevance of branding in B2B markets

The Role of Brands in the International Wine Business: Ideas on teaching and research in International Marketing Management

The role of incremental feature updates for information systems continuance – an experimental study

The Role of Language in Migration Intentions: Applying Theories of Migrant Success to Pre-migration Linguistic Considerations

The role of openness for business model innovation: Emerging business models of OEM carsharing

The role of smart metering and decentralized electricity storage for smart grids

The roles of different stakeholders for sustainable value creation

The Roles of Form and Function for Utilitarian Mobile Data Service Design

The Roles of Relational Complexity and Deep Structure Dependency in Achieving Effective Use

The roles of smart metering and decentralized electricity storage for smart grids

The roles of South Africa’s public service in service delivery

The sacred and beyond: A commentary on the work of Russ Belk

The scentscape – an integrative framework describing scents in the servicescape

The secret to guiding communities of practice towards success: Top management sponsorship to successfully guide communities of practice

The service conspiracy uncovered – supervisors’ influence on customer sweethearting

The State of Negotiation in Research as well as Buyer-Seller Interactions in Industrial Negotiations

The Status Quo of Buyer-Seller Negotiations in Industrial Marketing

The Status Quo of Negotiation in Research as well as Buyer-Seller Interactions in Industrial Negotiations

The Strategic Role of Communication Standards for Media Companies

The Structuration of the Networked Public Sphere: How Politicians Attract Public Attention on Social Media Platforms

The submission of a manuscript for evaluation

The Supportive Crowd: Understanding Micro-task Crowdwork Engagement through Crowd Community Social Support

The Team Absorptive Capacity Triad: A Configurational Study of Individual, Enabling, and Motivating Factors

The theory of value co-creation: A systematic literature review

The three crucial deliverables in executive education

The time is not yet ripe – analyzing the value of waiting in users’ switching behaviors concerning smart home systems

The Time Is Not Yet Ripe, Is It? How the Values of Waiting and Incentives Affect Users’ Switching Behaviors for Smart Home Devices

The transfer of ‘conscious’ management practices across unit, organizational, and national borders

The triad of team absorptive capacity: A configurational study of individual, enabling, and motivating factors

The use of qualitative case studies in top business and management journals: A quantitative analysis of recent patterns

The use of social bots in Germany’s 2017 national election campaign: Theoretical, empirical and methodological implications

The value of a recommendation: The role of social ties in social recommender systems

The value of waiting – a real options approach to analyze end-users’ switching behavior concerning connected technologies

The way of the self-developer

The youthfulness perception and socio-psychographics of older consumers: How they differ in terms of luxury goods purchase intentions

The youthfulness perception and socio-psychographics of older consumers: How they differ in terms of luxury goods purchase intentions

Theoretical/Conceptual framework for a gender-sensitive perspective

There’s More Than One Way to Integrate Customers: A Framework and Research Agenda for Successful Customer Integration into RNP Product Development

Three defining criteria for frugal innovation

Time for change: How to make deferred taxes current again

TMT Structure

To Bring Spirituality to Work or to Leave it at the Door? German Employees’ Perspectives on Spirituality at Work

To establish the notion of common ground as a new foundation to improve the understanding of the becoming of organisational and IS projects in real time

To Row Together or Paddle one’s own Canoe? Simulating Strategies to Spur Digital Platform Growth

To Thine Own Self Be True? The Impact of Authenticity on Buyer-Seller Negotiations

Top Management Team Diversity and Corporate Social and Environmental Performance

Torn between East and West? Work and employment in East Germany compared to West Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic

Tourism’s impacts on the costs of solid waste collection: Empirical evidence from Italy

Toward understanding agile strategic change through enterprise architecture management: Antecedents, processes, outcomes

Towards a design artifact for benefits management

Towards a design theory for customer satisfaction-oriented IT vendor management

Towards a framework for measuring knowledge management services productivity

Towards a More Differentiated View of Organizational Resilience: Prevention, Response, and Preparation

Towards a multiparadox perspective: Managing knowledge in emergent communities

Towards A Social Comparison View of Organizations

Towards a stakeholder-oriented understanding of the real estate industry’s competitiveness: Complementing an economic definition with a multiple-stakeholder approach

Towards a Temporal Theory of Board Attention to Corporate Growth Initiatives

Towards an Integrative Framework for Innovativeness and its Implications for Innovation Performance: A Bibliometric Analysis and Literature Review; Methodology and analysis

Towards an Ontology for Startup Brand Identity: A Systematic Literature Review

Towards design elements to represent business models for cyber-physical systems

Towards Integrating User Interface Specification into Reference Modeling – An Analysis of Implications and a Research Agenda

Towards the Impacts of Enterprise Social Software on the Innovation Process: A Case Study

Tracing behavioral patterns in born-again global firms: Towards a conceptual framework of the internationalization activities of mature SMEs

Transformational and shared leadership in the police

Transforming FUNDES’s Social Business Model: Becoming a Customer-driven Consulting Firm to Avoid Mission Drift in Changing Environments

Trapped in the Status Quo? Cognitive Misperceptions’ Effects on Users’ Resistance to Mandatory Usage

Treat your suppliers right! Aligning strategic innovation orientation in buyer-supplier collaborations with relational and transactional governance mechanisms

Twenty-five years of customer integration in creating radical product innovations: A review and outlook

Unchaining Social Businesses: Blockchain as the Basic Technology of a Crowdlending Platform

Uncovering and Accounting for Unobserved Heterogeneity

Uncovering enterprise architecture research: Diversity, theoretical foundation, and impact

Uncovering the Conditions of Digital Platforms’ Evolution: A Literature Review and Research Agenda

Uncovering the Value Creation Mechanisms of Enterprise Architecture Management: The Role of Enterprise Architecture Management in Improving IS Capabilities

Understanding differences and trends in job quality: Perspectives from cross-national research

Understanding Individuals’ Perceptions and Processing of Diagnostic Device Errors

Understanding IT Governance Success and Impact: Results from an Interview Study

Understanding Requirement Volatility in Software Projects

Understanding strategic behaviour of researchers in knowledge production: A case of social science and nanotechnology researchers

Understanding the acceptance and usage of IT project management methodologies: Towards a conceptual model supported by case studies

Understanding the formation of digital transformation strategies: Insights from Europe’s automotive industry

Understanding the Other Side of the Coin: Towards a Model of Information Systems Failure

Understanding the performance impact of enterprise architecture management

Understanding the Performance Impact of Enterprise Architecture Management

Understanding the Success of Methodologies: Usage and Satisfaction – towards a theoretical model supported by case studies

Understanding the Why, What, and How of Theories in IS Research

Unit-level work engagement as a key to organizational performance

University-Industry Collaboration and Front-end Success: The Moderating Effects of Innovativeness and Parallel Cross-firm Collaboration

University-Industry Collaboration as Signal of Firm Value: Determinants of Signaling Efficacy

Unlearning Activities during Post-Acquisition Integration

Unravelling implementation trajectories of general principles for sustainable product design: The case of the cradle to cradle standard

Updating the Anti-Corruption Toolkit with Locally Relevant Case Studies

User Interface Design

User Interface Specification

User-entrepreneurs for Social Innovation: The Case of Patients and Caregivers as Developers of Tangible Medical Devices

Using Cultural Archetypes in Cross-cultural Management Studies

Using productivity games to motivate project communication: A field experiment in an international business transformation project

Using structural equation modeling for developing a structural metamodel

Value Awareness in Boardrooms: Where are the Foxes?

Value drivers of social businesses: A business model perspective

Values and Democracy in East Asia and Europe: A Comparison

Values associated with luxury brand consumption and the role of gender

Visionary competence for long development processes of brands, products, and services: The trend receiver concept and its first applications in practice

Wanted: A transformational leader or Macchiavellian as CEO? How personality traits explain individual managerial ambidexterity

Website text: Start of the study on implementation and processing of IT demand management in companies

Weight of social science disciplines in global SSCI output

What do we know about B2B branding in marketing research? A comprehensive status quo analysis

What Drives Entrepreneurial Orientation in the Public Sector? The power of social context

What Got You Here Will (Not) Get You There: Rethinking Organizational Capabilities for Machine Learning

What Methodology Attributes are Critical for Potential Users? The Effect of Psychological Determinism

What will become of the German model? Engaging sources of firm-level diversity in Germany’s economy

When distant partners become your closest friends: Ambidexterity through cross-industry collaboration projects

When do you need a chief strategy officer?

When sales routines meet process mining: A science-based approach to current challenges in selling

When, whom, and why? Insights into the Governance Choice for Open Process Innovation

Which nudges are acceptable in connected workplaces? A Q-methodology study

Who calls the shots? Analyzing the internet as an initiator of retrogressive gender power shifts in joint decision-making

Who is who? An empirical analysis of buying center roles

Who owns data in the enterprise? Rethinking data ownership in times of big data and analytics

Who pays the bill? A legal-economic analysis of the allocation of telework-related workplace costs in Germany

Who will lead and who will follow? A longitudinal study of emergent leaders’ verbal conduct in self-directed teams

Who’s to blame?! The mediating effect of blame attributions on consumers’ emotional and behavioral outcomes

Why and How Consumers Seek to Protect their Privacy

Why and how do companies migrate towards cloud computing? Two case studies on cloud enterprise systems

Why do we need a United Nations International Year of Global Understanding (IYGU)?

Why do you not use the enterprise social network? Analyzing non-users’ reasons through the lens of affordances

Why Green IS Remains Irrelevant for Digital Business Strategy: A Review of Inhibitors

Why is the grass greener on the other side? Wind energy investors’ decision modes and location choices

Why Radical Innovation Needs Visionary Leadership

Why we value should choices more retrospectively, and how mindfulness allows us to make smarter decisions prospectively

Will the Customers Be Happy? Identifying Unsatisfied Customers from Service Encounter Data

Willingness to pay for eco-certified refurbished products: The effects of environmental attitudes and knowledge

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: Investigating Interdependent Privacy Concerns in the Augmented Reality Context

Work Exchange Relationships in Microtask Crowdwork

Work Interruptions and Creativity: Evidence from a Natural Experiment

Wrong is wrong, isn’t it? How diabetics process and respond to diagnostic errors of digital self-monitoring devices

Zero-Trust Security in IS: A Research Agenda