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How I edit

My work is transformative, and I seek to get manuscripts as close to publication-ready as possible.

My editing is a blend of rewriting, line editing, copyediting and proofreading, mostly in Word (in Track changes) (not LaTeX or PDF), occasionally with tables or figures in .ppt or .xls.

Line editing (a.k.a. stylistic or comprehensive editing): I focus on word choice, whether each sentence has the intended meaning, and how it flows into the next sentence. I clarify meaning, eliminate jargon and clichés, shorten run-on sentences, and ensure that each sentence sounds right.

Copyediting: I find and fix the spelling, punctuation, grammar, style and sentence construction mistakes. I also identify and fix small grammar issues that even some native English speakers may not know.

Proofreading: A proofread catches the errors that may remain after the line editing and copyediting. I look for typos, misplaced punctuation, and issues such as consistency in headings.

My editing method can be described as compacting without over-compacting.

Client confidentiality is assured. I do the work; no other editor sees it or has access to it.

I am sometimes asked to cap my time; for instance, I may provide a cost estimate for 8 to 9 hours; if a client then requests that I cap it at 8 hours, I will agree to this.

I ask that authors pay attention to the target publication’s style guide, the formatting and the in-text referencing. I do not edit reference sections, although I tend to spend five minutes or so pointing out any errors and inconsistencies there.

I have much respect for clients who are not first-language English speakers yet write it courageously. I never scold clients about incorrect language use – this is non-professional behaviour that no author should tolerate.

I always ask whether the language requirement is UK or U.S. English as well as what the maximum allowed word count for the abstract is.

I recommend that you plan, so as to allow me sufficient time to do the work.

My rate is 34 euro per hour. I generate a unique payment reference code when I invoice.

According to South Africa’s tax laws, no VAT is payable on academic editing. I pay income tax in South Africa in my personal capacity.

The sooner you contact me, the sooner I can assist you. Feel free to ask me for a quote.